Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Why Pray?

As we enter this new calendar year, possibly you realize more than ever we need to be in fervent and constant prayer for our country. Headlines reveal the Fiscal Cliff Deal carries a price tag of $4 trillion and does not address the debt ceiling and high unemployment rates. We also see around us every day the moral and spiritual decay of our country. God's Word exhorts us to pray for our leaders in 1 Timothy 2: 1-3. Let us all be good stewards in this regard.

However, let me encourage you also to pray for Israel which I believe is a directive from our Heavenly Father. In 2 Chronicles 6:6 it says "But I have chosen Jerusalem that My name may be there" and 2 Chronicles 33:7 "In Jerusalem.....I will put My name forever."

Zechariah 14, which is entitled Final Siege of Jerusalem, illustrates Jesus is coming back to the Mount of Olives just East of Jerusalem (verse 4). He will then defeat the nations battling against Jerusalem in verses 2 and 3 and will become "King Over All The Earth" (verse 9). Hallelujah! As we pray Psalm 122:6 we are actually petitioning Jesus to come back to earth soon and establish true peace on earth.

In these days and times which we live, virtually all the nations surrounding Israel are determined to destroy her (Psalm 83:4). This is why the theme of this message and a series of weekly messages to come is Isaiah 62:1, 6, 7 which states For Zion's Sake I Will Not Remain Quiet.....until He makes Jerusalem the praise of the earth.

I have stood with Israel for twenty years; will you join me and bless Israel and yourself? I believe this is vitally important in the Lord's eyes.


  1. Its great to see your love for and calling to support Israel is getting out to the world again.
    This is a great start to your new delivery method.

  2. I loom forward to following your bloc Mr. Gruber. So glad Heidi shared it!

  3. Your blog is a great idea. Looking forward to reading your posts.

    Bill Borden
