Thursday, February 28, 2013

Concerns For Israel

News headlines this week have revealed two major concerns for Israel. Congressional approval of Chuck Hagel to be the United States Secretary of Defense has raised serious concerns among two major Jewish organizations and members of the United States Congress.   At the same time, efforts by Iran and North Korea to co-ordinate their efforts to grow their Nuclear Programs is also a major concern.

Hagel, unlike the majority of Senate members, underestimates the threat of Iran backed terrorist group Hezbollah. He disagreed with the European Union and their desire to designate Hezbollah a terror organization. Also, during Hagel's confirmation hearings, he undermined the importance of preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons. The vote in Congress approving Hagel was the smallest approval margin in history.

Meanwhile, North Korea conducted its largest and most sophisticated nuclear test to date. Most alarming for Israel was the presence of the Chief Iranian Nuclear Scientist who rarely travels outside of Iran. It appears North Korea is actually doing the testing of nuclear weapons for Iran. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu this week stated "If Iran continues nuclear preparations it would face military sanctions."

How does Israel respond to the news that the United States military support of Israel could be weaker in the near future and that Iran could be nuclear ready very soon. Psalm 24:8 says "Who is this King of Glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle." King David was called a man after God's own heart. He knew His source of help and He prevailed in the face of Israel's many enemies. May we stand with Israel during these difficult times and be those prayer warriors praying for Israel's leaders and citizens to be strong in The Lord as they face their enemies now and in the future.

May The Lord Bless You And Keep You In His Care Now And Forever,


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