Thursday, July 25, 2013

Chosen, Persecuted, A Blessing

Genesis 12:2-3 "I will bless you. . .and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

Possibly you find the title for this week's message interesting and curious. At the same time I am sure you know who these above descriptive words are describing - the Jewish people. The above referenced verses of God's Word clearly points out that Abraham and his descendants through Isaac and Jacob will be blessed but also will be a blessing to the world. They are "Chosen of God."

However, along with being "Chosen" has come a lifetime of persecution. Their history reveals 400 years of bondage in Egypt; 70 similar years in Babylon; Pogroms in Russia and Spain; the Holocaust; tyrannical powers controlling their land; and currently continual attacks by surrounding enemy countries.

The news reports this week reveal the possibility of Peace Talks starting again. Is this another form of persecution? I believe so! There have been many other peace talks that have taken place over the years with such titles as Madrid, Oslo, Camp David, The Road Map but nothing changes. What is the problem? In 2003, Zola Levitt stated "The answer to peace in Israel is simply for the Palestinians to stop killing Israelis. That is all that is needed. If tomorrow morning there were no Palestinians trying to kill Israelis, Israel would have no need to retaliate or arrest anyone." This is the Truth!

How have the Jewish people responded to being chosen, persecuted, and called to be a blessing? The Jewish people are a blessing beyond proportion relative to how few their people are in number. For example, although only 0.2% of the world's population, between 1901 and 2010 Jews won 27% of Nobel Prizes for Medicine, 25% for Physics and 42% for Economics.

God's Chosen People are an example of through much persecution they have learned to Trust In The Lord. We should pray daily for them as it appears new persecutions could be starting.

May The Lord Bless You And Keep You In His Care This Day And Each Day,

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