Thursday, July 10, 2014

Trust In The Lord

John Bolton, former United States Ambassador to the United Nations, mentioned this week that he believes the Middle East is in the most turmoil since the 1967 War. Recently, we have been reporting about this new terror organization known as ISIS and we have learned that they have set goals for the next five years as follows: Remove the United States from Iraq, Get control of Iraq, Establish a Caliphate, Destroy Israel. Looking at these four goals, it appears three out of the four are almost accomplished.

News headlines of the last few days have unfortunatly illustrated a very serious and dangerous scenario in Israel. Since the beginning of July, Hamas in Gaza has launched over 200 rockets into Israel. Tuesday of this week more than 100 rockets were fired into Southern Israel but also some were sent over Israel's three most populated cities - Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa. Rockets over these cities are hard to accept and comprehend since I understand this is a first time event.

The Israeli Air Force has responded with numerous air attacks over Gaza targeting especially the homes of rocket launch sites and Hamas leaders. Notice many of the rocket launch sites are right in the center of civilian areas. Additionally, Israel has called up thousands of Reserve Troops and have gathered them on the border of Gaza for a possible ground assault.

A WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT - In Joshua 1:5 The Lord spoke to Joshua saying "No man shall be able to stand before you. . .I will not leave you nor forsake you." Also, in Joshua 11:23 it says "So Joshua took the whole land." Joshua believed God and conquered the land. In Psalm 37:1-4 our Lord tells us not to be "envious" of the ungodly for their time is short. The Lord wants all of us to trust Him with all of life's circumstances. When David found tough times, he remembered the victories God gave him. In conclusion, The Lord desires we "Delight ourselves in Him" by praising Him even in our darkest hours.

May The Lord Bless You And Keep You This Day And Every Day,

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