Thursday, July 21, 2016


Most commonly the stories of Jews and Palestinians living side by side in the communities and settlements of Judea and Samaria give the impression of tension and even hatred. This is because the land itself appears to be disputed in the eyes of Israel's enemies and the world media.To settle this so-called land dispute, the land was given to Abraham's descendants in Genesis 15:18. There is no land dispute, it belongs to the Jewish people!

In Judea and Samaria or the West Bank as the world media calls it, Jews and Palestinians live side by side. How does this unique and tenuous arrangement work in the majority of situations? Overall, pretty good. Yes, occasionally there are terror attacks similar to those happening all over the world. However, in the majority of scenarios, we should be thanking our Lord God that the two camps appear to be co-existing. As a word of encouragement our message this week will illustrate examples of this positive co-existence.

This month saw a Palestinian terrorist shooting attack in which Rabbi Michael Mark was killed and his family wounded. The first person on the scene was a Palestinian who rescued the children of Rabbi Mark from the wrecked vehicle. Next on the scene was another Palestinian Dr. Sharach and his wife, a nurse, who administered first aid to all the wounded. As a result, two Israeli Medical Organizations have publicly thanked Dr. Sharach for his actions. Praise The Lord for this courageous and merciful act.

Another encouraging and uplifting story talks about a Jewish soldier and his attitude toward Palestinians. Hananya Naftali stated, "I believe in peace even as a Jewish Israeli soldier, I love the Palestinians." Let us pray and believe that the majority of Jews and Palestinians living in Judea and Samaria have a similar mindset. 

I know you all believe our Lord God hears and answers all our prayers. Psalm 122:6 exhorts each of us to pray for "The Peace Of Jerusalem." Most Bible scholars believe Jerusalem in this case refers to all of the people living in Israel also including the Jewish people worldwide. Being faithful to this exhortation will honor and please our Lord God and Savior! 

May The Lord Bless You And Keep You This Day And Each Day,

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