Thursday, March 23, 2017

Keeping Our Promises

The Balfour Declaration was published by Great Britain exactly one hundred years ago and it said, "His Majesty's government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this objective." In 1920, the WWI victors confirmed the Balfour Declaration and made it a legal obligation on Britain and a legal entitlement for the Jews. Well, this all sounds good on paper but how did it all really work out?

The first betrayal of these promises came in 1921 when Arabs rioted in Palestine and Britain decided to reduce Jewish immigration. The Jews had no choice but to agree and 78% of the land promised to the Jews became Jordan. Whenever the Arabs rioted, the Jews were made to pay a price. A 1939 White Paper limited Jewish immigration to Palestine at 75,000 per year and later it became contingent on Arab consent. Great Britain did not keep their promises!

The biggest British betrayal came a few years later when Hitler came into power in Germany. Jews were denied their rights and properties in addition to losing their jobs and professions. The Jews needed to leave Germany. However, while Jews were being sent to concentration camps, Britain did not increase their emigration for them. Even when the war was over, Britain would not let many survivors into their country and the Jews ended up being housed in camps throughout Europe. If Britain had kept their promises, millions of Jews would have been saved as they were able to move to Britain or Israel.

How is all this relevant today? There is new leadership in the United States which has made some promises. The new United States Ambassador to the United Nations has stated, "The bashing of Israel at the United Nations must stop." Additionally, the United States is considering pulling out of the U.N. Human Rights Council that is anti Israel. President Trump has promised to work continually for peace in the Middle East and to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Will the new leaders in the United States keep their promises concerning Israel?

I would think many of us have also made promises concerning Israel. These might involve praying each day for God's protection, supporting them financially or speaking out regularly on their behalf. Whatever your promises, I pray we will be those who Keep Their Promises Concerning Israel!

May The Lord Bless You This Day And Each Day,


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