Thursday, April 20, 2017

Anti - Semitism, Past And Present

During last week's message, we learned why the Jewish people are referred to as God's Chosen People. We also learned that our Lord God established a covenant relationship with them resulting in their being "A Light To The World." This week we will look at the continuous plan by Satan to destroy God's Chosen People known as Anti - Semitism.

Sadly, Anti - Semitism came forth initially through the early European Christian Church. Early church theology stated that God had forsaken the Jews because of their sins and replaced them with the church. The Catholic Church promoted this  doctrine known as Replacement Theology as well as the newly formed Protestant Churches. Jews were harassed and even murdered in "Christian Europe." It is interesting to note that the Christian church today in Europe is almost non-existent.

Today, in churches throughout the world Anti - Semitism is still active. This is especially true in Great Britain and other European countries. America has been relatively free from Anti - Semitism. A recent poll indicated that nine percent of Americans are prejudiced against Jews while this same poll showed twenty four percent in Europe. A recent survey revealed the Jews are the most positively viewed religious group in America.

Currently, the largest form of Anti - Semitism world wide is in the form of devout Muslims. The 1.6 billion Muslims throughout the world are born and raised to hate the Jews and Israel. They study the Koran and follow Sharia Law and are taught to destroy the Jews and Israel. In the United States, Muslims who are promoters for Islam and its war against Israel, have become professors, judges and community leaders. Surprisingly, most American Jews are not aware of Anti - Semitism as being part of mainstream Islam.

In reality, hatred against Jews is actually hatred against the God of Israel! So, what can we do and what can be our part in this ongoing battle? Born again Christians and Messianic Jews are the most powerful force that can defeat Anti - Semitism through individual prayer and large prayer gatherings. We must stand firm against Anti - Semitism in whatever form it surfaces. AMEN And AMEN!

May The Lord Bless You This Day And Every Day,

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