Thursday, June 22, 2017

Peace Talks?

Joel 3:2 says, "I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgement with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land."

Chapter three of Joel is entitled "Judgement On The Gentiles" and verse two illustrates this very clearly. Gentile nations have been judged by our Lord God for scattering His people and some of them do not even exist today. However, for our message this week, we will concentrate on the concept of Gentile nations being judged by our Lord God for dividing up His land.

Has this already happened? Yes, all we have to do is look at current day Great Britain and the United Nations. Both have been involved in partitioning or dividing up Israel. Great Britain was once a world power but today is much less than a world power. The original purpose of the United Nations was honorable but today it is totally ineffective and still trying to divide up Israel.

Are you curious about this week's title? News headlines reveal Jared Kushner, Son-in-law of United States President Donald Trump, is traveling to the Middle East to meet with Israeli and Palestinian leaders to promote peace in the Middle East. I truly appreciate this attempt by President Trump but is this more of the same, an exercise in futility?

Let us look at the history of what has been referred to as Middle East Peace Talks. Virtually every recent United States President has made an attempt to bring about peace in the Middle East. Why have none of them succeeded? It is totally frustrating attempting to negotiate with an entity that has NO interest in  peace.

I am referring to the Palestinian leadership past and present. Their only goal is the total elimination of the Jewish State - Israel. United States Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush offered almost all of Judea and Samaria but their offers were rejected. President Bush even gave control of Gaza to the Palestinians and today it is controlled by Hamas, a terror organization.

Recently, a Jewish policewoman was killed by a Palestinian terrorist and the Palestinian Authority has paid 4 billion dollars to families of terrorist murderers within the past four years. Does this look like the Palestinians are interested in peace? However, please do not be discouraged by this message.

Our Lord God is still on His Throne and is still in control.
Jesus will rule over all nations
during His thousand year reign.
Revelation 20:6. 

May The Lord Bless You This Day And Every Day,

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